Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Is my commissioned work feasible?

 I always was in the impression that I must have an alternate source of income. To feel secure. To get confidence.

In this context I thought a commissioned work in portrait drawing is feasible. But is it so?

A colored printout of an A4 sized portrait will cost Rs.10/-. Then, will a customer pay Rs.500/- for my portrait drawn with the help of technology? 

Here are some thoughts.

1. A printout is a mixture of the three basic colors. While a portrait drawn using my method is colored with property of light and property of water.

2. There is an element of artwork and a customer is expected to pay Rs.490/- extra for this.

3. It is possible to color the dresses and background with watercolor pencils, thereby increase the value of portrait drawn. For example, I suggest a light chocolate brown shirt and creamy yellow background for the below portrait of Nana Patekar.

4. I plan to suggest a number to the customer. This is because I am strong in numbers. And this suggested number will help the customer in better mental balance.  For example, I suggest constant e and the number 8 for the below portrait of Nana Patekar.

My good wishes to all my dear readers !!

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