Wednesday, January 3, 2018

√2 and √3

√2 and √3 were known in earliest of civilizations and have been followed by generations.
0 to 1 (or) Riemann zeta functions is new knowledge.
Though I got involved in Riemann zeta functions, √2 and √3 are close to me and most of the constants are expressed by it, though to one or two places of accuracy only.
  1. (√3+√2)/2 + (√3 - √2)/7 = 1.618 (phi)
  2. 1/(√3 - √2) = 3.1416 (pi)
  3. √2 - 3/4(√3 - √2) = 1.175 (side of a pentagon)
  4. √3 + √2 = 3.146 (pi)
  5. √3/√2 = 72/60 (heart beats)
  6. √2/√3 *10/3 = 2.72 (e)
  7. (√3 + √2)/2  - 1 = 0.57 (gamma)
  8. (√3 + √2)(√3 - √2) =1
I hope to lead a better balanced life in future as far as mathematics is concerned.

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