Sunday, December 6, 2015

Old Wine and a New Bottle or More Kindle Books

Github essentials is the new book. Engineering mathematics, control system engineering and basic electronic devices are books on learned concepts. During my engineering, these three were my only weak areas. Engineering mathematics due to its vastness. Control Systems engineering due to non visualization of practical utility. Electronic devices due to complexity. This is how I feel now. In those times I remember Electronics being tough. Very interesting. But could not cope with this subject. But I realized the importance of its graph. This graph business helped me in power electronics. Engineering mathematics was interesting but field theory mathematics was above head.
Control systems were about memorizing. Mechanical engineering subjects were automobile principles and their practicality. And strength of materials and other issues. This is how I feel now about mechanical subjects. Electrical engineering subjects had winding diagrams, Motor and generator problems and graphs and electrical faults in transmission. Power electronics was interesting.
I became an engineer with 78%. No backlogs. All subjects cleared in one attempt.
In these books, I feel Leonardo da Vinci is the greatest genius. Amazing that so much can be written on drawing and painting. Lenn Redman of Caricatures is another great. I am finding it difficult to keep up with other authors because their vision is different.


  1. Some Kindle books are not readable in Windows 8 and above. I downloaded Kindle for PC.It is a icon in desktop. This icon reads these books.
    Touch develop not working in Lumia Windows phones. However Windows employee says Windows HTC has no issue. Any help?

  2. However the earlier Touch develop avatar worked fine in Lumia Windows. Touch develop keeps evolving I think.
    Will git hub membership work?

  3. My intuition says with Windows 10 in Windows phone, things will be all right. Windows 10 for phone will come in this month, I was informed.
    There is a Touchdevelop app for Windows 10.
