Sunday, August 18, 2019

Thought fights

I don't like thought fights. I don't indulge in thought fights too.
It is impossible to try and beat a Gauss idea. Or an Euler idea. Or a Maclaurin idea. Or a Fourier idea. Or a Reimann idea. Or a Taylor idea.
I wrote about Laurent series because in my blogs elsewhere I had written on
1. Poochi system
2. Complex conjugates and examples
3. Power series of complex numbers and examples.
I am not very interested in engineering entrance exams or in the courses taught in Indian institutes of repute.
Only guilt that affects me is that I could not make it like Ambanis. Seriously. I always think that I should contribute financially like Mukesh or Anil Ambani.
Another thing that affects me is the military. And I am defensive. Not offensive.
So time, periodicity are tough for me.
But I think I can explain. Wait for my blog post on this.


  1. Martin Luther King said
    "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"

  2. I do not want to write on time and/or periodicity.
    This finishes.
