Sunday, July 26, 2020

Of Gauss's Constant G

I have belief in and fully in support of Gauss's constant G (0.8346 . . .)
There are three reasons for it.
First. 0.999 + (1/(root2 +1/(root3 +1/(root4 + . .  . is 1.8346 into 0.8346.
Second. root3/(root2+root5(root4+. . . .  is (9/8) into 0.8346 into 0.8346.
Third. My #PythaShastri mantra and my interpretation of Taylor series (for both general and special theory of relativity) together supports 0.8346. . .
Now look at this.

Wolfram results do not say it is Gauss's constant (G) in both the above cases.
I am indebted to Wolfram Alpha for making me a mathematician of sorts. But why don't they write it as G for above two cases ?
I firmly believe in Gauss and have full faith in Gauss's constant G. Gauss's constant is an undeniable truth of nature and life. 
What about you, dear readers ?
(My views - 0.8346 . . . is most certainly important.
 I am in India. I do not want to comment on this. 
Well when we talk of personality of mathematicians I have the deepest regards for Leonhard Euler. He is my god of sorts. 
And I find Niels Henrik Abel as most brilliant. A Diego Maradona of mathematics.)

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